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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Anthem by Leonard Cohen: Words of Wisdom

I've been dealing with a nasty relapse of my pain condition so I've been looking for commiseration and inspiration.

I had dinner with friends the other night, and the background music switched to a Leonard Cohen song: Anthem. It is impossible to ignore his coarse, earthy voice, and we all stopped chatting to listen. What we heard in the chorus of this song was a combination of prayer, blessing, mantra, forgiveness, commandment, and lament.

"Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything;

That's how the light gets in.
Ring ring the bell
. Ring the bell."

1 comment:

adventures in disaster said...

When I first went to college Leonard Cohen was our hero and we sang his songs every day, I had long forgotten that.Funny that you have taken a bad turn as I have too. Maybe it's the weather?
It's exhausting for me and my doctors and this week has proven difficult for all of us as we thought things had stabilized enough that we all agreed that starting my Bachelors/Masters Advanced Practice RN degrees would be a great idea.......
I am halfway there and I refuse to let this set back ruin the future I have planned.